Right wing, reactionary, and traditionalist books.

In audio format.

“In books lies the soul of the whole Past Time: the articulate audible voice of the Past, when the body and material substance of it has altogether vanished like a dream.” 

--Thomas Carlyle--

FAQs and Info

Once you purchase a book, you can download the folder with the full book in it. Or you get access to a private rss feed of the book so you can listen to it in your favorite podcast reader. Or you can stream it right from your account here on the Based Audio Book website.

Coming Soon!

We are building a subscription model similar to Audible. Once we have five books out and get our momentum going, we will launch subscriptions.

We have a lot of great books on the list--many of which are from our favorite right wing publishers like Antelope Hill. The other big ones are in talks with us, and we'll announce once it's solidified. Please send us your suggestions so we can prioritize! We want to get in as many as possible this year.

Spain 1923-1948: Civil War and World War The Tyranny of Human Rights: From Jacobinism to the United Nations Generation ’68: The Elite Revolution and Its Legacy The Burning Souls

Coming Soon

From Antelope Hill Publishing

We are pleased to partner with Antelope Hill (AntelopeHillPublishing.com) to produce audio versions of select works. In this pre-order bundle (The Burning Souls is now available), you can purchase the set of three in advance, and save over 50%.



Readers and Suggestions

Contact us today if you want to be a paid reader. This may fill up fast, but throw your hat in the ring.

Also let us know what books you want to see in audio next.


Send us a general message or flood us with book suggestions to help us prioritize.

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